Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Five

So I have this condition. Maybe I already told you before.... It's my memory.

No. It's not amnesia. See, I have no short term memory. Everything fades (especially fads).

What is the deal with pre-ripped jeans? I own a pair, but thats beside the point. I guess I like them cause they make me look hardcore. Men are turning into bitches with their new found sense of fashion (or homosexuality). It's cause women are taking over.


Thought of an idea for a cool movie script that I may or may not work on in the immediate future. The story basically revolves around this guy with multiple personalities. One personality is a cop. The other is a drug dealer. The cop personality spends the entire movie chasing himself. Rather than save the reveal till the end, I would find it much more interesting if you find out at the beginning of the movie. You see, the cop personality has no idea he has a second personality. The drug dealer personality, however, is perfectly aware of his predicament and places fake clues to throw himself off. The trick is, he only enters his drug dealer persona when he takes drugs, which require a fair bit of peer pressure, as the cop persona is a devoute christian and thinks drugs are evil. He turns back into a cop when the drugs wear off. The drug dealer persona only sells drugs to these corrupt cops (because he has an addictive personality and is thus addicted to his personality) who in turn peer pressure him into taking drugs. The cop persona is also addicted to his personality and subconsciously causes the drug dealer persona to make mathematical errors when dealing with drugs so that he runs out of money and drugs prematurely, thus allowing him to sober up and return to cop form.

This is all pretty good for something I just came up with on the spot.

What is the deal with ripped jeans?
Have i mentioned i have no short term memory?

Quote of the day: "Insert here."


Kelcey said...

I like the script idea
2 personalities leaves room to be really confusing but I followed that
and it kinda reminds me of the movie Identity

AndySk8inMan said...

the leaky bowel is more flaky than leaky
